
Oslo School of Architecture

Location : Maridalsveien 29, Oslo, Norway
Building type : School
Client : Statsbygg / Directorate of Public Construction and Property
Size : Approx. 10 900 m2m²
Schedule : Finished 2000-2001, addition West Wing 2006
Consultants : AS Frederiksen, Kaare Skallerud A.S, Ingénia AS, Brekke & Strand Akustikk AS    Grindaker A/S
Primary architects : Einar Jarmund, Håkon Vigsnæs, Harald B. Lode, Alessandra Kosberg, Elina Fürst, Christian Dahle, Jan Aasgaard Stavik, Trond Olav Erga


Sited in an old factory block the new internal court of the school is connected to the adjacent riverside bank. Parts of the complex are torn down to bring light into the deeper parts of the building, structures are sandblasted to expose the consistency of the concrete, and the new building parts and walls are made transparent to secure an aimed social transparency of the institution.